Scopriamo tutto sul kimchi!

Let's find out all about kimchi!

Easier to prepare than to pronounce, kimchi is the typical Korean dish that is prepared starting from the fermentation of Chinese cabbage or other vegetables.

Speaking of kimchi , indeed, it is difficult to single out one recipe of reference, also because the original one varies according to the areas of Korea in which it is prepared. It seems that there are more than 200 versions in which the use of chilli , garlic , ginger and fresh spring onions. And depending on the variations, this dish can be made with different vegetables, such as savoy cabbage , the daikon , i peppers , and a huge variety of ingredients.

But let's see what it is, how it is prepared and what are the precious nutritional properties that make this dish healthy, complete and beneficial for health.

Kimchi - what is it

It is a typical dish of Korean cuisine considered a real one superfood for the completeness and variety of its nutritional values. One could rightly say that it is a concentrate of vitamins and mineral salts truly portentous.

To prepare it, fresh cabbage is mainly used, fermented in a particular brine. Once ready, it is perfect to accompany any type of dish or as a base for other specialities.

In Korean culture, is a food that inspires conviviality, and for this reason it is prepared during the kimjang , the occasion when relatives, friends and neighbors gather to consume it during the winter.

Kimchi: property

What makes this dish really 'super' is the high content of probiotics , the same ones we find in yoghurt , in miso, mole sauerkraut and, in general, in fermented foods . The action that lactobacilli perform in our body is particularly beneficial for the intestine and throughout the digestive system. Precisely because of these characteristics, kimchi is considered a food with strong anticancer properties.

Not to mention the virtues of ingredients such as garlic, which lowers "bad" cholesterol and promotes the well-being of the entire cardiovascular system. There is also the chilli , so rich in vitamins A, B and C and from the mighty antioxidant action .

And there are the fibers , which protect health and regularity intestinal , absorbing sugars and excess cholesterol. All of this well-being , in very few calories since the kimchi recipe does not include the use of fat.

Being a very high food probiotic content, if introduced regularly in the diet, the Kimchi it helps to keep the intestinal flora in balance, with significant benefits for the health of the whole organism.

Kimchi how to eat

The best time of year to enjoy it is definitely autumn , when the vegetables needed to prepare it are in season. It can be eaten alone, but it is also an excellent accompaniment to enrich sandwiches, meat rolls and vegetable and fish dishes .

It's also great with rice , pasta, cereals, stews, eggs, cheeses, potatoes: its versatility makes it perfect for any occasion. Remember, though, that to preserve the elements probiotics it is better to add it to dishes only at the end of cooking.

Where to find it

You can find it in this E-shop in the Fermented section!

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